Adjectives -ed / -ing – rules and exercises for A2-B2 levels. The video includes Romanian explanations.
Back to school review for grades 2nd-8th.
Note – the presentations work properly only on big screens.
Wh – questions are a quite difficult topic for English as a second language learners. Here is some useful information about how we form and use them. The video also includes a few interesting exercises.
The video includes essential information about the most commonly used English tenses:
A lesson about adjectives for beginners. The video includes Romanian explanations while the presentation is only in English.
*Note: the presentation works better on a big screen.
*Adjectives – introduction de Diana Ienei
Adjective Detective – The Children’s University of Manchester
Phrases and expressions with UP. Levels A2-B2
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The plurals – basic rules for beginners. Theory and exercises for learning and practising the plural in English.
Learn and practise all the forms for the past tense simple: affirmative, interrogative and negative. Explanations and exercises!
Past simple