Posts Tagged: spring

Lecția 31 – Spring

Spring – vocabulary, reading, speaking and writing practice. Bonus! Insects and flowers!

The four seasons

The four seasons – vocabulary, reading, speaking and writing activities for beginners.

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Easter level 1- vocabulary, reading, speaking and writing activities for beginners.

Click the following link for introducing vocabulary:

Easter p-I-II de Diana Ienei

Click the following links in the presentation for practising vocabulary (if they do not open, right click and open in a new tab):

Easter level 2 – vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and speaking activities.

Click the following links in the presentation for practising vocabulary, reading, writing and speaking (if they do not open, right click and open in a new tab):

Another lesson about spring – here

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Spring – reading and vocabulary exercises for beginners. Video + downloadable pdf.

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